Wednesday 11 September 2024

Completion of Assessment Sprint Phase 2

 I am incredibly proud to announce the successful completion of Phase 2 of the Assessment Sprint project at the London campus of the University of Sunderland in London. This initiative, launched as a swift response to the emergence of Generative AI, continues to lead the way in creating authentic, robust, and continuous assessments for today’s ever-evolving educational landscape.

This project earned the prestigious Vice-Chancellor Teaching Fellow Award and became the cornerstone of the university’s three-year strategic Assessment Innovation Program (AIP). Our commitment to ensuring assessments remain relevant, fair, and adaptive is now central to the university's forward-thinking approach to education.

AIP Launch Video

 I couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve accomplished so far, and I look forward to driving the project to new heights in the next phases. A heartfelt thank you to the fantastic  team and all the supporters who made this journey possible. Together, we are shaping the future of higher  education!

#AIinEducation #AssessmentInnovation #ContinuousAssessment #HigherEducation #ViceChancellorAward #GenerativeAI

Feedback OF and FOR learning


The image was created by DALL.E with the author's specific instructions.


Feedback of Learning: Reflecting on the Journey

"Feedback of learning" refers to summative feedback, typically delivered after an educational experience. It provides a holistic evaluation of a student's performance, assessing what they did well, what needs improvement, and what may have been overlooked. This type of feedback offers a comprehensive overview, enabling learners to reflect on their overall journey.

For instance, after completing a project or a module, summative feedback can guide a student by pinpointing strengths, such as their ability to present ideas clearly or their effective use of data and research. These affirmations reinforce what the student has mastered, building confidence in those areas.

At the same time, summative feedback identifies areas for improvement, such as the need to strengthen analytical thinking, improve time management, or refine communication skills. It also highlights what may have been overlooked, such as research gaps, misaligned objectives, or structural issues in their work. For example, a student might need to address specific vital theories or have backed their claims with sufficient evidence.

This feedback acts as a roadmap for future endeavours. By understanding both their strengths and weaknesses, students can approach similar projects with greater awareness, making more informed decisions and avoiding past mistakes. In this way, feedback on learning offers closure while also providing forward-thinking guidance that helps learners continuously improve and evolve.

Feedback for Learning: A Guiding Light Throughout the Process

In contrast, "feedback for learning" is formative and is provided throughout the learning process, not just at the end. Its role is to guide and shape the student’s learning journey, offering insights on what they have done well so far, areas where they need to improve, and potential oversights that could hinder their progress. This feedback type is ongoing, providing a constant source of direction and encouragement.

Formative feedback, like GPS, helps students stay on course by offering real-time corrections. For example, feedback might commend the student for effectively capturing the main argument during a writing assignment while suggesting improvements in organisation and clarity. It might also point out an overlooked aspect, such as failing to address counterarguments or not supporting claims with enough evidence.

The image was created by DALL.E with the author's specific instructions.

By embodying this approach, educators can act like GPS systems, constantly guiding students in their learning journey with real-time, personalised feedback that helps them reach their academic destination.

Providing formative feedback like a GPS for students, guiding them through their learning journey. Here’s how the analogy works:

  1. Starting Point (Current Understanding): Just like a GPS identifies the starting location, formative feedback helps students recognise where they are in their learning. It provides insights into their current strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Destination (Learning Goals): The GPS sets the destination, just as formative feedback aligns with the student’s learning objectives. The feedback clarifies what they need to achieve and provides clear goals.

  3. Turn-by-Turn Directions (Step-by-Step Guidance): GPS offers continuous instructions to keep the driver on track and make real-time adjustments. Similarly, formative feedback gives students immediate, actionable guidance to help them improve and stay on the right path.

  4. Rerouting (Adapting Strategies): The GPS recalibrates if a driver takes a wrong turn. Formative feedback works the same way, helping students course-correct by addressing misconceptions or mistakes and giving them alternative strategies to succeed.

  5. Milestones and Checkpoints (Progress Monitoring): Just as GPS systems inform drivers about their progress, formative feedback provides checkpoints where students can reflect on what they've achieved so far and what still needs improvement.

  6. Encouragement Along the Way (Positive Reinforcement): GPS systems give updates on how far the driver has come, and formative feedback offers praise for effort and progress, motivating students to keep going.

This immediate feedback is crucial because it allows students to adjust as they go rather than wait until the task's end. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses early, students can refine their work, correct errors, and avoid potential pitfalls. For instance, a student might have a strong thesis but may need to work on the logical flow of their essay, or they might excel at creative problem-solving but overlook foundational details.

The image was created by DALL.E with the author's specific instructions.

Furthermore, peer feedback is invaluable in this formative process. By receiving feedback from classmates, students gain new perspectives and identify blind spots they may not have noticed. Peer feedback often points out what others are doing well, encourages mutual learning, and offers constructive advice on what can be improved or revisited.

In this way, feedback for learning plays a critical role in actively shaping the learning experience. It helps students stay engaged, take ownership of their progress, and continuously develop their skills throughout the learning process. By integrating both educator and peer feedback, students are empowered to create more meaningful, high-quality work.

Monday 2 September 2024

Embracing Authentic Assessment

                                                                               The image created by Dall-E

Embracing Authentic Assessment: Bridging the Gap Between Classroom Learning and Real-World Challenges

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the concept of authentic assessment has gained significant traction. Unlike traditional assessments that often focus on rote memorisation and theoretical knowledge, authentic assessment places students in scenarios that closely mimic the real-world challenges they will face in their daily lives. This approach enhances learning and prepares students to apply their knowledge in practical, meaningful ways. Let’s delve into the critical components of authentic assessment and explore how it can be effectively implemented in educational settings.

1. Connecting Learning to Real-World Problems

One of the cornerstones of authentic assessment is its emphasis on real-world relevance. Individuals are constantly confronted with complex problems that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability. Authentic assessment mirrors these challenges by presenting students with tasks grounded in everyday scenarios. For instance, instead of merely solving abstract math problems, students might be asked to budget for a household or plan a community event, requiring them to apply mathematical concepts in a practical context.

This real-world connection makes learning more engaging and helps students see the value of their education. When students understand that what they are learning directly affects their lives, they are more likely to be motivated and invested in their studies.

2. Cognitive Challenge and the Gradual Escalation of Difficulty: The Role of Formative Assessments

In the realm of authentic assessment, formative assessments play a crucial role in guiding students through a journey of increasing cognitive challenge. Formative assessments are ongoing checks for understanding throughout the learning process, providing students and educators with valuable insights into the learning progress. These assessments are not merely about gauging what students know at a given moment but are essential tools for scaffolding learning, building skills incrementally, and fostering more profound understanding.

The Importance of Formative Assessments

Formative assessments are vital because they allow for timely intervention and support, helping to ensure that students do not fall behind as the complexity of tasks increases. They serve as a bridge between learning and teaching, offering educators the opportunity to adjust instruction based on student needs and providing students with feedback that is both immediate and actionable.

Through formative assessments, students can:

  • Gauge Their Understanding: Students can identify areas where they may struggle and seek clarification or additional practice before moving on to more complex tasks.
  • Build Confidence: Students can build confidence in their abilities by starting with more straightforward tasks and gradually progressing to more challenging ones, which is crucial for tackling higher-level cognitive challenges.
  • Develop Self-Regulation: Regular formative assessments help students become more self-aware and self-regulated learners as they learn to monitor their progress and set improvement goals.

For educators, formative assessments provide:

  • Insight Into Student Learning: Educators can pinpoint students' learning journeys, identify common misconceptions, and tailor instruction to meet individual or group needs.
  • Opportunities for Differentiation: Formative assessments allow teachers to differentiate instruction, offering more support to those who need it and additional challenges to those who are ready to advance.
  • Data for Informed Instruction: The data gathered from formative assessments can guide instructional decisions, ensuring that teaching is responsive and targeted.

Examples of Formative Assessments: Low, Medium, and High Stakes

Formative assessments can vary in stakes and impact, ranging from low-stakes activities that serve as simple checks for understanding to high-stakes tasks that demand deeper cognitive engagement. Let’s explore examples of formative assessments across this spectrum:

Low-Stakes Formative Assessments:

  • Exit Tickets: At the end of a lesson, students can complete a quick exit ticket, answering questions or summarising what they learned. This provides immediate feedback on student comprehension and highlights areas needing further review.
  • Think-Pair-Share: In this collaborative activity, students first think about a question on their own, then discuss it with a partner, and finally share their thoughts with the class. This technique encourages all students to engage with the material and provides a quick gauge of understanding.
  • Quizzes: Short, low-pressure quizzes can be used to check for understanding key concepts. These can be graded or ungraded and serve to reinforce learning and identify areas where students need more practice.

Medium-Stakes Formative Assessments:

  • Reflective Journals: Students can regularly write in journals, reflecting on what they have learned, how they are progressing, and what challenges they face. This helps students process their learning and provides educators with insights into students’ thought processes and understanding.
  • Concept Maps: Students can create concept maps to organise and visually represent their understanding of a topic. This activity requires students to make connections between ideas, providing a deeper insight into their grasp of the subject matter.
  • Peer Assessment: Students review each other’s work using a rubric and provide feedback based on specific criteria. This helps students develop evaluative judgment and reinforces their understanding of the content.

High-Stakes Formative Assessments:

  • Project-Based Learning: In project-based learning (PBL), students engage in extended projects that require applying multiple skills and knowledge areas. As they work on their projects, formative assessments can be embedded at various stages, such as during research, design, and implementation. These assessments might include checkpoints where students must present their progress or submit portions of their work for review.
  • Case Studies: Students analyse real-world scenarios related to the subject matter and propose solutions. This type of assessment challenges students to apply their knowledge in complex, practical situations, offering opportunities for deep learning and critical thinking.
  • Performance Tasks: In performance tasks, students demonstrate their understanding through real-world applications, such as presentations, experiments, or simulations. These tasks are often comprehensive and require students to integrate knowledge and skills across different areas, making them high-stakes yet highly informative for both students and educators.

The Gradual Escalation of Difficulty

The key to effectively using formative assessments in authentic assessment lies in their strategic use to gradually escalate cognitive challenges. Students start with low-stakes activities that build foundational knowledge and skills. As they demonstrate mastery, they progress to medium-stakes tasks that require more complex thinking and application. Finally, they tackle high-stakes assessments that push them to apply their learning in real-world contexts.

This progression supports student learning and ensures that students are continually stretched and challenged, preparing them for the demands of real-world problem-solving. By carefully designing and sequencing formative assessments, educators can create a learning environment that nurtures growth, fosters resilience, and, ultimately, empowers students to succeed beyond the classroom.

3. Encouraging Evaluative Judgment Through Detailed Analytic Rubrics

Developing students’ evaluative judgment—the ability to assess the quality of their work and that of others—is a critical aspect of authentic assessment. To cultivate this skill effectively, educators must provide students with detailed analytic rubrics that outline clear criteria for success. These rubrics serve as a roadmap, guiding students through tasks and ensuring they understand what is expected of them and how they can succeed.

Detailed Analytic Rubrics: A Roadmap for Success

Analytic rubrics break down tasks into specific components, each with its criteria and performance levels. This clarity allows students to understand precisely what is required and how to reach the highest standards. Involving students in creating or reviewing rubrics deepens their understanding of the criteria, helping them internalise quality work standards.

Rubrics facilitate self-assessment and peer assessment, encouraging students to critically evaluate their and others’ work. This practice reinforces learning and helps students develop the ability to judge the quality of their work, a skill that is essential for lifelong learning and professional success.

Integrating Rubrics with Feedback for Maximum Impact

To maximise the effectiveness of rubrics, they should be closely integrated with the feedback provided throughout the assessment process:

  • Aligning Feedback with Rubric Criteria: Feedback should directly reference the rubric criteria, ensuring they are targeted and specific. This helps students understand how their work aligns with or deviates from the expected standards.
  • Using Rubrics as a Dialogue Tool: Encourage students to use the rubric for self-assessment before submitting their work. Post-feedback, they can compare their self-assessment with the educator’s feedback, fostering a deeper understanding of their performance.
  • Incorporating Feedback into Revisions: Allow students to revise their work based on feedback, using the rubric as a guide. This iterative process highlights the rubric's role in continuously improving their work.

4. The Central Role of Feedback in the Learning Process

Feedback is the cornerstone of authentic assessment. It provides students with the necessary guidance to improve their work and deepen their understanding. Different types of feedback serve different purposes, and when used effectively, they can significantly enhance the learning experience.

Types of Feedback and Their Impact

1. Oral Feedback:

  • Characteristics: Delivered verbally during class, one-on-one, or in group settings.
  • Advantages: It is immediate and adjustable in real time based on student responses, allowing for dynamic interaction and instant clarification.
  • Example: During a classroom activity, a teacher might say, "Great approach, but what if you considered this alternative method? How would that change your outcome?"

2. Audio Feedback:

  • Characteristics: Recorded comments that students can listen to at their convenience.
  • Advantages: Allows for detailed and reflective commentary, ideal for online or asynchronous environments with limited face-to-face interaction.
  • Example: A teacher might record an audio note discussing the strengths and areas for improvement in a student's essay, providing personalised feedback that the student can revisit as needed.

3. Written Feedback:

  • Characteristics: Provided through comments, annotations, or detailed assignment notes.
  • Advantages: It is concrete and reviewable, making it particularly useful for complex assignments that require careful reflection and revision.
  • Example: On a research paper, a teacher might write, "Your analysis is insightful, but your conclusion could be stronger with more direct evidence. Consider revisiting these sections."

4. Peer Feedback:

  • Characteristics: Students evaluate each other’s work using predefined criteria, often guided by rubrics.
  • Advantages: Fosters a collaborative learning environment and encourages students to engage deeply with the material by understanding and applying assessment criteria.
  • Example: During a peer review session, students might exchange essays and use a rubric to provide constructive feedback on each other's work.

5. Feedforward Feedback:

  • Characteristics: This approach focuses on providing guidance for future tasks, emphasizing how students can apply feedback to improve in subsequent assignments.
  • Advantages: Shifts the focus from past performance to future improvement, helping students understand how to grow and succeed in upcoming challenges.
  • Example: An instructor might say, "In your next project, incorporate more primary sources to enhance your analysis. Also, consider managing your time more effectively for thorough revision."

6. The Sandwich Approach:

  • Characteristics: Feedback is structured with positive comments at the beginning and end, with constructive criticism in the middle.
  • Advantages: Balances praise with critique, making feedback more palatable and encouraging students to embrace constructive criticism while recognising their strengths.
  • Example: A teacher might say, "Your introduction captures the reader's attention—great job! The body of your essay could be more persuasive with additional evidence. Overall, your writing is clear and well-organized, which is a strong foundation to build on."

Making Feedback Central to the Learning Process

Feedback should be woven into every stage of the learning process, serving as an ongoing conversation between the student and the educator. Effective feedback is timely, specific, and actionable, guiding students to make informed decisions about improving their work.

By employing various feedback methods—oral, audio, written, peer, and feedforward—educators can cater to different learning styles and needs, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to grow and succeed. The sandwich approach, in particular, helps deliver balanced feedback that motivates students to engage with and act on the feedback they receive.

When feedback is central to the assessment process, it creates a continuous loop of learning. Students constantly iterate on their work, develop their skills, and build the confidence needed to tackle increasingly complex challenges. This ongoing cycle of feedback and revision is crucial for cultivating the evaluative judgment necessary for success in both academic and real-world settings.



Wednesday 15 May 2024

The need for a paradigm change in Higher Education in the Era of Generative AI

 Opening a new horizon 

 Dr Theo M. Ammari, May 2024

(I created this image using DALL-E on chatGPT-4o)

Unleashing Creativity by Using AI Tools

Use AI to provide numerous opportunities for your students to develop their creativity. Start by integrating AI tools and platforms that encourage exploration, experimentation, and innovative thinking into your curriculum. For instance, AI-driven design programs, coding platforms, and creative writing assistants can offer students new ways to express their ideas and solve problems. These tools can help students visualise concepts, test hypotheses, and receive instant feedback. 

Mistakes are crucial for learning; do not penalise students for making mistakes

Encourage students to take risks and understand that making mistakes is a natural learning process. Create a classroom environment where mistakes are seen as valuable learning experiences rather than failures. Implement a structured reflective practice where students analyse their errors, understand why they happened, and think about how to improve. This could involve journaling, group discussions, or using AI to track progress and highlight areas for growth. Make it explicitly clear to students that they will only be penalised for not learning from their mistakes, not for making them
This approach emphasised the importance of resilience and continuous improvement. Students should understand that the goal is to learn and grow rather than to achieve perfection on the first try. 

Paradigm change is inevitable!

We need a paradigm shift: we must move away from simply teaching creativity and instead cultivate an environment that nurtures it in our students. This paradigm change is necessary because traditional teaching methods often stifle creativity by focusing too much on rote learning and standardised testing. In today’s rapidly changing world, thinking creatively and adapting to new challenges is crucial. By changing our approach, we can better prepare students for the complexities of the future. This can be achieved by encouraging open-ended projects, interdisciplinary learning, and real-world problem-solving scenarios where AI can be a collaborative tool rather than a prescriptive one. For example, students can work on projects that combine art and technology or use AI to analyse data for science experiments. 

Generative AI - A Golden opportunity!

 AI offers us a golden opportunity to make this change, providing personalised feedback, suggesting new approaches, and even identifying patterns in student work that may indicate creative strengths or areas for growth. AI can adapt to each student’s learning style and pace, providing customised resources and challenges that push their creative boundaries. In this new paradigm, teachers act as facilitators, guiding students in their creative processes and helping them leverage AI to enhance their learning. This involves teaching students how to use AI tools effectively, critically evaluate AI-generated suggestions, and integrate AI into their creative workflows. Teachers can also model creative thinking and problem-solving, showing students how to approach challenges with curiosity and an open mind. This approach develops creativity and prepares students for a future where adaptability and innovative thinking are essential. By embracing AI in education, we can transform our classrooms into dynamic spaces where creativity thrives and students are empowered to take ownership of their learning journeys. This shift will help produce not just consumers of information but creators and innovators equipped to tackle tomorrow's challenges.

Sunday 21 April 2024

AI for Good: How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Us Reach the SDGs by 2030


This photo is taken from: (seen on 21 April 2024)

The year 2030 is fast approaching, and with it, the deadline for achieving the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. These goals aim to tackle global challenges like poverty, hunger, climate change, It and inequality. But achieving them all in just six years seems like a tall order. That's where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps in as a game-changer.

This photo is taken from: (seen on 21 April 2024)

AI excels at analysing massive amounts of data and uncovering hidden patterns and trends. This can be a goldmine for understanding complex issues like poverty or climate change. Imagine being able to predict disease outbreaks or personalised treatment plans in healthcare (SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being), or optimise crop yields for specific regions to reduce hunger (SDG 2: Zero Hunger). That's the power of AI in action.

But AI's benefits go beyond just analysis. It can automate tasks and optimise processes, leading to a smarter and more sustainable world. AI-powered grids can manage energy use in cities (SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities), while AI-powered logistics can streamline transportation (SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure).

Perhaps the most exciting area is AI's potential to tackle climate change (SDG 13: Climate Action). AI can help us model climate scenarios with greater accuracy, predict extreme weather events, and develop solutions for renewable energy integration.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. We need to ensure AI is developed and used ethically to avoid creating new inequalities or environmental problems (SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities). Additionally, ensuring everyone has access to AI's benefits is crucial, especially in developing countries (SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals).

So, which SDG can be tackled easier with AI? Many areas will benefit greatly, but conquering hunger (SDG 2) seems particularly ripe for AI's problem-solving abilities. Imagine precision agriculture that optimises yields based on local conditions, or AI-powered supply chains that minimise food waste. With AI on our side, achieving a world of zero hunger by 2030 becomes a much more realistic goal.

The future is full of possibilities, and AI is a powerful tool at our disposal. By harnessing its potential responsibly, AI can be a key driver in achieving a sustainable future for all by 2030. Let's get cracking!

Thursday 18 April 2024

Wald's Survivorship Bias Effect in Education in the AI Era: Are We Addressing the True Shortcomings of Traditional Curriculum Content and Assessment?

In the age of artificial intelligence, the educational landscape is undergoing profound transformations, prompting a reassessment of longstanding practices. This scrutiny reveals the potential oversight caused by Wald’s survivorship bias—a concept originally from wartime aircraft analysis, which now offers valuable insights into educational systems. Survivorship bias involves focusing on the successes or survivors without considering the information about the failures or non-survivors that might lead to more informed decisions.

This bias can manifest in education when evaluating the effectiveness of traditional curriculum content and assessment methods. By highlighting students who succeed within the current frameworks, educational institutions may inadvertently overlook those who do not thrive under the same conditions. This selective focus raises concerns about whether traditional educational models are genuinely effective or merely favour a particular subset of learners.

Integrating AI in education introduces tools and methodologies that can potentially mitigate these biases by providing more personalized learning experiences and diverse assessment strategies. However, the question remains: are we truly examining the deficiencies of traditional education systems, or are we merely perpetuating old patterns under new technological guises?

Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive review of how curriculum and assessments are designed, implemented, and evaluated. It involves asking critical questions about who is benefiting from these educational practices and who might be left behind. We can leverage AI to foster a more inclusive and effective educational environment by acknowledging and addressing these gaps. 

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Creativity and AI

 Generative AI, particularly with tools like DALL-E, holds extraordinary power to bring abstract thoughts and imaginations to life, offering a vivid visualisation of even the most intricate ideas. This technology is not just for experts; its accessibility is beautifully demonstrated in the works created by my daughter, who is still in primary school. Her creations using DALL-E are prime examples of how this technology can serve as a catalyst for creativity and expression, enabling even young minds to translate their imaginative concepts into stunning visual realities. These instances are a testament to the boundless potential of Generative AI in fostering artistic exploration across all ages.

Completion of Assessment Sprint Phase 2

 I am incredibly proud to announce the successful completion of Phase 2 of the Assessment Sprint project at the London campus of the Univers...